Ford Gas Turbine
OM Body by Borsani
Bernard TD 211.35
Stietencron Schwenke
Leyland Eight 1920
Saurer D330 The Swiss truck in istambul
Hispano-Suiza 26 CV Junior 1929 in front of the Spanish factory
Fiat 500 Cabriolet 1957 by Pietro Frua
Delaunay Belleville 1913 Cars for the Sha
Couple Gear 1915 RElectric and Gas Electric Trucks
Comarth from Murcia, on Ford base
Volkswagen Passat W8 Enjaulado
Exide 1922 The Electric Motor Truck
GEM L`Auto-Mixte 1907 Société Générale d´Automobiles Electro-Mécanique
White 3000 1954 The American heavy truck of the fifties
Mildé 1904 Voitures Electrogènes
Saurer 1908 one of the first car of this company
Bleichert 1936 Germany
Seat 850 Special to be built in Spain
Borgward 1 1/2 ton B1500 1953 in front of the dissapeared hall
Automatic Electric 1921 from America
Owen Magnetic
Alfa Romeo Romeo Autotutto 1
Büssing Three Axles 1925 the first of this kind from the company
4x4 extreme in Andalucia Festival de extremos
Jabato, built in Spain For 4x4 extreme
Madrid Barajas 1956 The plant to build the Pegaso trucks
National Electric 1904
Covini C6W six wheeler
Zugvögel Buses and coaches from Spanish Hispano-Suiza
Fulton Airphibian
Unic ZU 51
Reeves Octoauto with four axles and eight wheels
Amphi Ranger In the sea near Gibraltar
Owen Magnetic The car of a thousand speeds
Maserati 3500 GT Touring 1962
The electric Horlacher from Switzerland
Atlantic Electric Truck c1917 in Spanish
Talbot Lago
Panther 6 Wheeler 1977
Rauch & Lang Electric 1909
Wilson Electric 1936 from England
Pope Waverly Electric 1906
EWK Bison 7 ton 1982 Amphibian truck from Germany
A.A.A. 1919 Automobiles Electriques Paris